Dental Hygienist
Diploma Dental Hygiene Royal College of Surgeons Of England 2005
GDC No. 6654
Mia began her career in the Royal Air Force as a dental nurse, later qualifying as a Dental Hygienist in 2005. She served in the Military for 8 years from the age of 19.
After leaving her RAF career behind, she became a wife, and Mum to three boys and enjoyed the challenge of juggling parenthood and her professional career in civilian life working for Bupa as a Dental Hygienist.
Mia joined the team here at Choices Dental Care in November. Great at making her patients feel comfortable and helping them achieve better oral health, Mia is already very popular!
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Choices Dental Care
37 Shearing Hill, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3GY
Call us today: 0115 940 2200