Routine dental appointments are essential to maintain good oral health and a happy smile. A standard dental check-up is carried out by an experienced, qualified dentist and is the best way to spot any problems with your mouth before they become serious. Both adults and children require routine dental appointments on a regular basis because preventative dentistry is the key to keeping your mouth healthy.
Routine dental appointments are usually carried out every six months, but the number of times you need to attend these appointments varies from patient to patient. Some patients may require more frequent visits, while others may need to come into the practice less often – your dentist will advise you on how often you need a regular check-up.
If it is your first appointment at the practice, your dentist will take a full dental and medical history.
Do you feel a shooting pain in your teeth when eating or drinking something hot? Does the thought of biting into an ice cream or a cold, hard apple make you wince? Sensitive teeth can be a burden for many people and can be caused by a variety of factors. It is always important to seek advice from a dental professional so that the source of the problem can be identified and treated.
For top tips on protecting your enamel and for effective treatment of tooth sensitivity, come to the practice for a check-up and we will create an individualised care plan for you.
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Choices Dental Care
37 Shearing Hill, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3GY
Call us today: 0115 940 2200